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Old 11/13/2003, 11:10 PM
ez1ez ez1ez is offline
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I have a 150g with hundreds of bristle worms. the only problem I have is when I feed the tank they come out. I have a 6 line wrasse and he eats the baby worms. I bought a foxface,coral banded shrimp, 2-peppermint shrimp,cleaner shrimp to eat them. well the population seems to be decreasing slowly. I also have had a Mandarin Goby for a while and he is fat. If you have alot of LR the 6line and mandarin will do well. thats my .02 goodluck
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Old 11/13/2003, 11:49 PM
dragon_slayer dragon_slayer is offline
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Originally posted by ffc3
For those of you who replied with never seeing bristleworms harm anything "What's your point?", just because you haven't seen something happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

well I'd just think in almost 25 yrs of keeping marine tanks with bristle worms from the size of a gnats-a$$ to 16+ inches I would have been a witness to at least one incident of a BW attaching a healthy animal of some type. I could be wrong though.

as far as them stinging there are different types, the actual fire worm will sting the heck out of you but your standard BW that are in most LR and aquaria are harmless. I have handled thousands of them over the few years I've been in this hobby.

Old 11/14/2003, 02:32 AM
the Undone guy the Undone guy is offline
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i have also heard that if you put some food (i'm assuming shirmp) rolled up in some panti hose at the bottom of the tank, it will catch the bristle worms. I guess they get stuck in the panti-hose, i cant wait to try this one, ha.
-the Undone guy
Old 11/14/2003, 02:22 PM
Deity Deity is offline
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I have a 2' plastic tong that I use to grab any bristleworm I find. The 45lbs of Tonga branch that I bought a while back was loaded with them. Grab a redlight of some sort, I use a flashlight with red ceran wrap on the end, and watch your tank at night. When ya see one leave the safety of its rock nab em! I haven't seen one in weeks.
Old 11/14/2003, 04:58 PM
dragon_slayer dragon_slayer is offline
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just out of curiousity..........

for all of you who think BW are bad and yank everyone you see in your tanks out. how many first hand times have you seen a BW attach any healthy living thing????

compaired to the #'s of BW there are out there and the #'s of people with them in their systme the 'so called' incidents are few and far between.

leaves a little room for error on the reefers part IMO.

Old 11/14/2003, 06:50 PM
fish101 fish101 is offline
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I asked a simple question which was to see if anybody knows what kind of fish will eat lots of large bristle worms not for a stocking critique

This is why i simple just read the posts and dont ask many questions.
Old 11/14/2003, 07:45 PM
Meeko Meeko is offline
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I'm not one of those who "yank out" every bw I see (I have plenty in my tank which keep the detritus under control), but I did come upon an evil bw in one of my liverocks. It had gigantic pinchers and I watched it yank out perfectly healthy zoo polyps again and again. I took the rock out and injected boiling, hot water into the hole it was hiding in. Never saw another one like it again.
Old 11/14/2003, 08:54 PM
dragon_slayer dragon_slayer is offline
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Meeko, the one with pinchers are the actual 'fire worms' they can be a bit disruptive on a tank, they are meat eaters. they will also sting the crap out of you if you touch them.

fish101 ignorance is no excuse for killing life in your tanks, learn to accept helpful constructive criticizesem or you need not post or read.

Old 11/14/2003, 09:10 PM
Unfair Advantage Unfair Advantage is offline
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I removed a few BW's from my goniopora...they were boring into it and killing it.

I'm glad you like yours and respect your opinion of them. That said, the thread asked for ways to get rid of them, not for reasons to keep them nor critical disapproval. There are those hobbyists who obviously have a different opinion than your own, and respect should be granted to all.


I'm sorry, I don't know of any fish that will eat BW's off the top of my head. There are certainly a few, and this topic has been asked before, I believe. If you run a search you'll likely get some answers. Traps are a good option, tho I have never used them. The BW's I caught I pulled out using a pipette manually (7+ inches, yay).

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Old 11/14/2003, 09:47 PM
bertoni bertoni is offline
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Let's keep this as calm as possible. I agree with you that bristle worms are good for a tank, and I don't believe they'd kill animals, even Goniopora, at least under normal conditions. They didn't touch mine. Still, if someone wants to get rid of them, that's a personal choice.

So what at least many define as bristle worms are in fact difficult for predators to attack, in the larger sizes, so I don't know any predator fish. You could ask Dr Shimek about predators, but trapping is probably the best bet.

I'm not at all sure that the worm mentioned in the original post, or the other culprits mentioned, are bristle worms. That might change matters in terms of getting rid of them.
Jonathan Bertoni
Old 11/14/2003, 11:14 PM
Deity Deity is offline
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The bristleworms I removed are all of the fire variety. Only kind I have/had in my tank.

For the most part bristleworms are scavengers, but there are occasional reports of larger ones being more predatory. Several species of Wrasses, Copperbanded Butterflyfish, Banded Coral Shrimp and Arrow Crabs are all suppose to eat bristleworms, but only the small ones. If you decide to get any of the above, make sure you research them to make sure you know what else they may eat besides bristleworms.

A simple search on bristleworms would have given you all of this information that way you wouldn't have had to read all of the OT posts in this thread. Food for thought disgruntled one
Old 11/15/2003, 12:33 AM
ffc3 ffc3 is offline
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Thanks for all the helpful advice. I'm going to give up on biological control (natural predator) and use a trap.
Old 11/16/2003, 06:23 PM
Meeko Meeko is offline
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Originally posted by dragon_slayer
Meeko, the one with pinchers are the actual 'fire worms' they can be a bit disruptive on a tank, they are meat eaters. they will also sting the crap out of you if you touch them.
I know... I mentioned that they were fireworms in my previous post. I always thought those were just different types of bristleworms and not totally different worms. In my experience, even the benign (detritus eating) bristleworms also "sting." They bore their little bristles into your skin (I know this from experience, unfortunately). It is a PITA to get them out.
Old 11/16/2003, 06:46 PM
ffc3 ffc3 is offline
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I bought a Coralife bristleworm trap and have caught about 20 in an hour. It's working great so far!
Old 11/16/2003, 06:58 PM
dapet dapet is offline
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Also have lot's of bristle worm's. I remove some of the big one's with a little old baster. Have lot's of little ones also in the 55 gal with a seahorse (George) and a fat clown. Glad to learn they won't harm George or the clown.
Old 11/16/2003, 07:28 PM
Meeko Meeko is offline
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I'm surprised those traps actually work... I always thought they were just gimicky things. Good to know if I ever feel the need to thin out the population and good for you, ffc3. Sounds like you found your solution.
Old 11/22/2003, 01:43 PM
SubmarinR SubmarinR is offline
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Exclamation bristle/fire worms.. Hermodice carnunculata

Concerning these worms.. and i've attached a pic of the one im referring to and u can see page 143 of Sprung's Invert Reference for his descrip..
I have never seen them eat anything in my tank that I wouldn't want them to, though ive heard they eat gorgonians.. ihave the photosynthetic blue-purple gorgonian not 6" away from where i generally see two very large worms of this species and Ive never seen any damage to it nor have i ever seen the worms actually on it..
now, that said.. i actually do want to remove these two behemoths (just because.. altho they're quite attractive.. they scare me a bit ;-)P

so, im going to try the pvc trap mentioned above.. however..the one thing (and only) that i've seen them come out for - almost automatically.. is shrimp pellets.. the el cheapo kind from Wardley i think .. that i use in my fw tanks for bottom feeders from tiem to time..
I sometimes use the crumbs or dust from some of these types of foods to feed the corals just before dark.. so the nocturnal varieties can have somethng different. the worms come uot like clockwork for this and i'll see d the trap w/ larger pellets i think to catch them.
here's a pic of mine.. little dark, but easy to tell what it is..
the ohter more common varieties i've always enjoyed..and i too, seeded my tank w/ some from a friends tank when i started.

Old 12/02/2003, 07:47 PM
dapet dapet is offline
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Well so much for bristle worms. HELP, HELP! I have a very big problem to me. I have a pink fuzzy stuff growing on my rock's. And two long white fuzzy cocone like things growing on a rock also. Could some one please tell me what kind of nest these are, and if they are harmfull to my tank. What bug make's a nest of this kind. Salt water, 55 gal tank with one seahorse a clown fish. Have bristle worm's, some sort of flea, and some cocoe pod's. Need answer fast and if I need to get rid of them, and how.
Old 12/02/2003, 08:00 PM
tlouie tlouie is offline
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you probalby just have sponges

Originally posted by dapet
Well so much for bristle worms. HELP, HELP! I have a very big problem to me. I have a pink fuzzy stuff growing on my rock's. And two long white fuzzy cocone like things growing on a rock also. Could some one please tell me what kind of nest these are, and if they are harmfull to my tank. What bug make's a nest of this kind. Salt water, 55 gal tank with one seahorse a clown fish. Have bristle worm's, some sort of flea, and some cocoe pod's. Need answer fast and if I need to get rid of them, and how.
Old 12/02/2003, 09:07 PM
dragon_slayer dragon_slayer is offline
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.......Have bristle worm's, some sort of flea, and some cocoe pod's.

aren't 'cocoe pod's' good in milk???

Old 12/03/2003, 08:52 AM
pubily pubily is offline
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This thread has pointed out an issue that I've seen a lot on RC. Someone asks a question and there are innumerable replies...but few address the question. The suggestions, etc. are somewhat related to the original question but not on target. In this thread the RC member asked for fish that would eat the BW...most answers dealt with stocking issues, if BW are good or bad, etc.

I know the off-target replies are well intentioned but I've found them also very frustrating when I'm trying to get a reply to a specific issue. We all need to reed the questions more carefully and focus on answering the question that's asked. THEN...if we have additional content to share it's ok to add it.

I suspect others have found this same problem...
I'm beginning to think the world is run by 'C' students!
Old 12/16/2003, 06:02 PM
dapet dapet is offline
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Thank's to find out this is probable sponges growing. But look's like they have breathing holes in them. Have been off the net for a while, computer problem's. Know I have a male and female wc horses, teaching them to eat. Have two females on the way for old george. Gift's from my son on my 71st Birthday. Hope old George enjoys the females and don't kill them, he is so horney.
Old 12/16/2003, 06:27 PM
brett3735 brett3735 is offline
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i like milk. i have a few britsle worms in my aquarium. i dont care much for them but they dont cause trouble
Old 12/16/2003, 07:11 PM
gig gig is offline
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I'm a FOWLR keeper...

hogfish will eat all those suckers, I had them in my tank from the liverock I introduced a while ago, but they will prolly eat other things too, anyone?

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