View Full Version : Free Chaeto

Brian Prestwood
12/15/2005, 10:27 AM
Anyone need some Chaeto? I'll bring it to the meeting tomorrow night (12/16).

I've got four bags. First come, first serve.

Anyone have some gracilia?

My bristle worms ate all the starter algae I got from Randy before it could take hold. They seem to like the red algae. My red grape algae is real popular with them too.

12/15/2005, 06:07 PM
Hey Brian, I'll take a small bag (maybe quart size) if it's available. The tangs love it!

Brian Prestwood
12/15/2005, 10:54 PM
The four bags are smaller than a quart. It doesn't take much to get it going. In any case, one has your name on it. If there are extra you are welcome to them.

12/16/2005, 02:41 PM
I have gracilia, but it's not growing very fast (if at all). It's in my sump next to the cheato. I think there may be too much competition, or perhaps come chemical warfare going on . The cheato is still going strong, and I feed it to the tangs and foxface to keep it under controll. I haven't dared to feed them any gracilia yet.

I'm hoping to finish my refugium in January, if it takes off after that I'll be ready to share. If you have any ideas on what else might be going on please let me know.

12/16/2005, 02:53 PM
Just out of curiosity - is it ok to feed the cheato to your tang? Does cheato add any nutritious value to their diet? Should I just stick to seaweed?

12/16/2005, 05:31 PM
Merry Christmas to you too! Hope theres still a bag when I get the

12/16/2005, 08:39 PM
I can use one if still available.


Brian Prestwood
12/17/2005, 11:51 AM
I hope everyone that wanted some got some. I think between Minh and I we had it pretty well covered.

Fragmented (Lisa?) I would like some Gracilaria when you have extra. Randy Reed said it was fast growing.

12/17/2005, 02:16 PM
Just wanted to send a big THANK YOU for the chaeto. My fuge needed a little replenishment and I got a few little hitchhiker brittle stars to boot!

12/17/2005, 03:12 PM
Thanks for the DI resin.

I heard Randy say that fast growing thing too. It just hasn't happened here yet. I'll let you know when it does.


12/17/2005, 05:11 PM
Thanks for the Cheeto's Bri and Congrats on the WMC certificate!

Brian Prestwood
12/17/2005, 06:33 PM

You are welcome. I'm not sure where those microstars came from. They are doing well in my tank.


Sorry for the mix up. Why can't you guys use your real names for your screen names like me and ???. We'll I guess I'm the only one foolish enough to do that. I had to go up Greenback toward Sunrise to pick my daughter up today. I saw a lot of people wearing your costume :)


You are welcome. It will be nice to go to the WMC as an attendee. Thanks again for all the frags. They're doing well.

12/17/2005, 06:57 PM
I think the microstarts actually came from the chaeto that Richard brought for me. He was extreamly generious and gave me huge bag. I've got a 5gal HOB fuge. Tony had told me he had a large fuge, so I traded bags with him. That way none went to waste.

12/17/2005, 08:42 PM
David-Thanks for that trade too. With my skimmer out of commision until Monday, I could use the extra nutrient control. Needless to say, that was a big bag of chaeto, and my fuge is bulging... http://reefcentral.com/gallery/data/502/43773lots_o_chaeto.jpg

12/18/2005, 12:18 PM
np..glad it all got used

Brian Prestwood
12/18/2005, 12:52 PM
It is funny what you find growing inside those chaeto balls. I have mine tubling about 20 RPM so it grows pretty dense.

When I split it in half to prune it I find three or four 2" tube worms, the red ones with the calcium carbonate tubes. I've pruned it three time since I got it from Pam a couple months ago and I've found them every time. The tubes are shattered by the prunning process. I'm not sure if they are the same worms or new ones. Could you imagine living in a ball that's tumbling at 20 RPM.

My microstars live mostly in my photosynthetic sponge. I haven't noticed any in my chaeto but I'll keep an eye out for them.

12/18/2005, 02:29 PM
I found another, different microstar this morn when i flicked the lights on early. I know they're kind of plane-jane, but I was giddy enough to take pics. I think the process of watching a tank gain and support micro-diversity is the most enjoyable thing about reef systems, so I suppose I'm saying thanks again in a round about fashion :)

Brian Prestwood
12/18/2005, 03:10 PM
"watching a tank gain and support micro-diversity is the most enjoyable thing about reef systems"

no doubt!!!