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Old 01/23/2005, 12:46 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Bunny, Tara, Tenn and Shirley went to ask the other elephants if they had seen the little gold man. None of their other elephant friends had seen the little gold man. When Bunny and her friends went to look for the little gold man, Bunny thought she kept seeing him, but it turned out to be just her imagination.
Bunny did not know what to do. Neither did the others because nobody had seen him in days. Then, after several more days had passed, they thought of what to do to find the little gold man. They set off to search for not only the little gold man, but the little gold woman as well.
They decided to ask one of the new elephants if he had heard anything on the outside. The elephant said, "Some people are taking little gold people because they think the are really made of gold."

The next day at the pasture, there was a rich looking women with a gold colored hat. There was a poor looking gentleman walking behind her and he took her hat! The man who took her hat looked like a shadow to them because he didn't have a shine to him.
The day after, a bunny named Elephant hopped into the pasture. They told Elephant what had happened. Elephant came up with a plan of what to do. Any time Elephant saw a shadow, she would look for a gold hat. "Good idea Elephant!" said Bunny and her friends. They sat and watched all day and suddenly they saw the shadow carrying a shimmering gold hat! When they started following the hat, they ran into a gold elephant. As they looked up at this strange new elephant, they saw gold everywhere! The gold elephant's name was Ellie. Then they saw the shadow come back with the little gold woman, so they followed the shadow. The shadow also had the little gold man! The shadow took the little gold man and…
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 12:47 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Bunny owns this page
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 12:48 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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The shadow took the little gold man and said: "give me all of your money and help me find my way too. If you don't I will take you to my secret place. If you tell where my secret place is I will lock you up in a place that is very dark."
So the gold man gave the Shadow his money and said "I will help you find your way out."
Then the animals followed the Shadow. He was real mean. He took the gold man to a very dark cave and made sure that no one was there because then he would go to jail. A gold appeared from no where and yelled for help. The animals ran to help and grabbed the gold hat from the elephant. When they got the hat from the elephant the gold elephant turned to a normal elephant. Now ellie the elephant couldn't see the rest of the elephants. Then the rest of the elephants went to the gold place where all you saw was gold. They stayed in there for a long time.
While they were in there ellie the elephant realized that he was alone and started crying. The gold man heard him crying and went to talk to him, "Why are you crying?" he asked. Then ellie elephant said " I don't know?"
Then the gold man said "I will give you something to cry about." and captured ellie and told him to an island. The gold man and the gold woman put ellie in a cave with no food and no water. Everyday they threw rocks and dirt at him. They would laugh at him and make him cry. One day ellie tried to get out of the cave but they got him and put him back in the cave. Then one day ellie had an idea...
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 12:48 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Ellie decided it was time to wish as hard as he could! So, he wished and wished to be out of there and back home again. He wished for three hours and then he fell asleep. In his dream he saw all of his elephant friends and he was home safe and sound. He dreamed that this had all been a bad dream and that none of it was really true. So, he was very happy and had no more worries! Then, he woke up and looked around. At first, he thought, "Oh, no, I was just dreaming, but I am not in a good place afterall." But, as he looked around, he realized he WAS back home! All of his wishing had worked! He was home and safe! He saw all of his elephant friends and knew that it was all over. Bunny, Ellie's Elephant friend, told him that he had been dreaming all along! He had not been captured and he was safe.
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 12:49 PM
pixburg-reefer pixburg-reefer is offline
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dude the football game is today and we are so gonna kick butt you just watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trying to be someone you're not is a waste of the person you are
Old 01/23/2005, 12:50 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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It has been a great time for Bunny at the Sanctuary. She and her friends Jenny, Shirley, Winkie, Sissy, and Tara enjoy walking all over the sanctuary and meeting lots of animals on the way, such as lizards, bats, deer, snakes, frogs, and more. One day they met at the swimming hole. Then they went for a swim. Sissy splashed and sprayed. She got everyone wet! Jenny asked her, "Hey Sissy, why did you do that?" Sissy just said, "I was just having fun." Winkie said, "That's ok, Sissy. We just did not want to get wet then...but now it is ok." They all decided then to splash and had a great time. That was what it was like most summer days. But winter was different. When it snowed, wow!
One winter day, Bunny and her elephant friends woke up and their caretakers said, "Wake up has snowed!" Bunny was the first out of the door of the barn! She could not wait to see what the snow was like. They all loved it! They even made snow balls with their trunks and threw them up high to watch them plop back down in the snow. Then they decided to check out their swimming hole. It looked so different. It had snow on top because it was frozen solid! Bunny was thirsty. She decided to try something. She decided to just push one foot down on the ice of the lake and it broke. Now she had a way to get a drink. While she was drinking she actually saw a fish swimming below. The fish asked her in animal talk, "Hi, is there snow up there on the ground?" Bunny answered, "Yes, there is." "Thank you" said the fish as he swam off. Bunny and the other girls decided to have more fun with the snow...they had a snowball fight! The first one to start this fun today was, Bunny! What a day they had!

Later on in the spring, when they went out of the barn one beautiful, bright morning, Bunny was first out the door as usual. All of the girls went right for the swimming hole. This day, however, they let Bunny go first and watched her. This day she wanted to soak her feet in the pond. Her feet were much better than they had been when she first came to the sanctuary, but she still needed to take care of her feet so they did not get in bad shape again. Everytime Bunny soaks her feet she starts to think of her many friends she left behind in Evansville, Indiana at the Mesker Park Zoo. She especially misses her caretakers there and of course all of the children who used to visit her there. She is happy here though and quickly gets in a good mood again. She knows she will always miss her friends but she has made new friends and she is happy again.
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 12:51 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 12:53 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Who wants to read another story?
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 12:53 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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How about "The Dangerous Journey"?
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 12:57 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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The Dangerous Journey

Chapter One - Penguin Problems

A very long time ago (almost 115 years!) there was a tiny Rockhopper Penguin named Junior. Junior had a problem. He was stranded on the Falkland Islands off the southern tip of South America. His parents had left him there because they thought he was big enough to be on his own. They returned to the continent of Antarctica to live.

Junior was lonely without his mom and dad. If he wanted to ever see them again, he would have to take a very dangerous journey through deep snow, water, and ice to get to the South Pole, avoiding his predators, leopard seals and humans. He had to find out who his mom and dad were because they were getting old. (Rockhopper Penguins only live for approximately 10 years.) Then he would be able to get some rest.

But he had numerous things to do and plans to make to get ready for this dangerous journey. For right now, he had to live on his own, which was a challenging job for a two-year old penguin.

Junior was the youngest Rockhopper Penguin of the two colonies on the Falkland Islands. No one really cared for Junior because he was smaller than them and he was shy and lonely. He seemed different from them. He did almost everything alone, like diving for fish or sliding on his belly to have fun.

But it really wasn't fun for Junior because he had no friends to play with, except for Miay, another Rockhopper Penguin who lived in the next colony. He only saw Miay every three weeks because she lived so far away. He liked visiting the other colony where his friend Miay lived and Miay's parents really liked it when he came to visit because they liked seeing her happy.

What will Junior do next? Will he stick around awhile and have fun with his friend, Miay? Or will he begin getting ready for his dangerous journey? Will he make that journey alone, or will Miay go with him? What kinds of things will happen to him as he swims through the cold, icy waters? Will he make it to Antarctica? Will he ever be reunited with his mom and dad? Stay tuned for the next chapter!!!

If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:04 PM
Flipturn88 Flipturn88 is offline
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. .:( Kayla ):. .

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:05 PM
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Originally posted by Flipturn88
Old 01/23/2005, 01:06 PM
tsquad tsquad is offline
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Where's your will to be weird?
Old 01/23/2005, 01:35 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Chapter Two - Decisions

The days passed quickly. Junior was growing more and more homesick with each day. So Junior decided it was time to start his journey to find his parents.

The next day, Miay came to visit. Junior pulled her aside saying, "Miay, In two days, I am going to start my journey to Antarctica. I need a companion. Will you come with me?" Miay stood puzzled. What would she do? She was hungry for adventure. "Yes!" she said with much enthusiasm. "But I must tell my parents before we leave."

Miay approached her parents with her question. "Well, if adventure is what you want, go ahead." Miay jumped around excitedly. She was going to go with Junior to find his parents!

Two days later, the early morning sun woke Junior. Then realizing what day it was he quickly woke Miay. "Miay, wake up! We need to leave soon! Let's go to start at the cove, we can get a good meal there."

So together Miay and Junior walked to the cove. Junior wasn't used to such companionship. Together they dove into the sparkling waters of the cove. The fish and squid seemed to taste better with a friend. With their bellies full and minds excited, Junior and Miay said goodbye to the Falkland Islands.

Miay and Junior swam and swam. After a little while, Junior felt something nipping at his heels. "Hey Miay, cut that out." Then Junior realized that Miay was in front of him. Slowly he turned around. There, just inches behind him, was a Leopard Seal, baring it's teeth. "A le… buh…dah.mi…da mi.buh" "Oh, come on Junior, spit it out1" Miay said impatiently. Then she saw it. "A-A-A-A-A-G-G-G-H-H-H!"

Miay and Junior swam and swam with all their might. The Leopard Seal was gaining and they were getting more and more tired by the second…

What will happen to Junior and Miay? Will they get away from the Leopard Seal? Will Junior ever see his mom and dad? Stay tuned for the next chapter of "The Dangerous Journey"!
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:37 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Chapter Three - A New Friend

Junior and Miay are chased by the terrible seal! The seal almost got Junior but Miay hit the seal so the seal had to let him go. Both Junior and Miay were very afraid!
But then, suddenly, they saw a giant whale. The seal is afraid for this enormous creature and the seal swims away very fast away.
"Wow, thank you so much," says Junior.
"Yes, thank you, mister Whale, you saved our lives," Miay says.
Junior looks in the eyes of the friendly whale and then Junior says: "According to me you must have a lot of friends! You saved our lives and you look so friendly!".
"Well," the whale says, "That is not complete true, alas. In fact, I have no friends at all. Everybody keeps telling me that I am too huge, too heavy, too fat, too ugly. And maybe they are right about it!"

"Hey, watch it," Miay says. "The real beauty is inside a human being, the outside is not important! It is how someone acts, that is important, that is beauty!"

Junior thinks Miay is right. Maybe the whale is too fat, too ugly. But gosh, the whale is soooo friendly! That is what counts!
"You are soo nice, so friendly. And you helped us. We would love to be your friends," Junior says.
Some tears appear in the eyes of the whale. So much friendly words, so much love ... he is not used to that at all. He takes a deep breath and then he answers: "Wow, cool, yes. I would love to be your friends too! Hey, would you like to take a ride on my back?"
Miay is a little bit tired of the long distance swimming and she gratefully accepts his offer. And also Junior climbs on the back of the whale.
"OK, where shall we go to?," the whale asks.
"Well, if you don't mind, we need to go to Antartica. I am searching for my parents. By the way, my name is Junior and this is my girlfriend Miay."
"OK, Antartica it will be... you can call me Rocky."

"Rocky, that's a cute name for a whale," Miay starts laughing and then the other two laugh too.

Rocky is a very good swimmer and it does not take long till they see Antartica.
"Do you know where you have to be?", asks Rocky the whale.
"No, alas," Junior says.
"Oops, then you have a problem, Antartica is large."
For a moment it is quiet. Then Rocky starts talking again.
"OK, here is the deal. You go abroad and start searching. When you need to swim a long distance, you just come to me and I will bring you. I will stay near the coast."
"Wow, you are sooo cool, a real friend," and Miay starts jumping on the back of Rocky. Suddenly she stops...
"Oops, sorry, did I hurt you," she asks.
"No, it's ok, you were tickling me, but I can handle it," Rocky answers.

A few minutes later, the two penguins jump into the water again, ready to go to the coast of Antartica.
"OH, before you leave, be aware for men and women.. human beings are not nice, they are dangerous."
"Yep, we know, but gosh, thanks for the warning, friend Rocky"
Miay gives Rocky a friendly kiss and then the two swim to the coast.
Rocky stays in the ocean. He keeps watching his two new friends. He is worried. What kind of new adventures will they face, once they are on the mainland of Antartica?

Stay tuned for the next chapter of "The Dangerous Journey"!
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:39 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Chapter Four - Captured

Junior and Miay reached the shore in no time. They hopped out of the water up onto the snow covered shore. Everywhere they looked there was snow.

"Which way should we go?" asked Miay.

"Straight ahead," answered Junior.

The two trudged along for a very long time. All they saw was white snow in all directions. This idea of finding Junior's parents seemed hopeless. Just as they were becoming very discouraged, they heard faint noises in the distance.

"What was that?" asked Junior.

"I'm not sure, but it sounded like another penguin," replied Miay.

"Come on, let's hurry and check it out," called Junior.

He flopped down on his belly and tobogganed down the hill. Miay quickly did the same. They loved sliding on ice and snow. It was so much fun! The noise was getting louder now. The sound was easy to follow. They both were excited because they knew penguins were up ahead. When they finally came upon the rookery, they were very surprised.

"There must be a million birds here," said Miay."I wonder if your mom and dad are here."

"Wouldn't that be wonderful?" answered Junior. "Let's find out."

Junior and Miay joined the rookery and made friends right away. They told the others about the close call they had had with the leopard seal and that they were trying to find Junior's parents.

All of a sudden, two men with big nets came out of nowhere. All of the penguins tried to hurry and run away, but it was too late. One of the men already had a net over Miay. Junior had to do something quickly. He ran straight at the man and shoved his beak in his belly. The man fell backwards and dropped the net.

"Run, Miay!" he yelled.

Miay quickly untangled herself from the net and took off in the opposite direction. The man got up quickly and threw the net over Junior.

"Thought you'd get away, did you? You are a feisty little thing. Just the kind of penguin we want for the new penguin exhibit at the Auckland Zoo," he said.

The men captured ten penguins in all and put them on a ship named the Titanic II. They put all of the penguins in a room and locked the door. The ship pulled away from the coast of Antarctica headed for Auckland.

What will happen next? Is Junior's dream of finding his parents over? Will Miay try to rescue him? Can their friend Rocky be of any help in the rescue?
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:41 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Chapter Five - So Near Yet So Far

Then Miay ran off to the coast. She was really frantic!
“Whale, Whale where are you,� she shouted anxiously.
]“Here I am," he said in a deep voice.
“Thank goodness I found you, Junior has been caught!� She said breathlessly. She told him the whole story, about how they had seen the other penguins, about being caught and Junior saving her, Junior being dragged off on a ship that was heading South, it was called the Titanic 2, the second ship that could not sink!
“What are you waiting for, lets go save him!� He shouted determinedly.
So Miay jumped onto his back and off they hurried to save Junior. The water was getting warmer as they were travelling South.
“I think we’re going to Cape Town, the place where whales mate."
Junior settled down and thought of a plan to escape. He found a hook attached to the net. He removed the silver sharp hook and started to peck at the enormously large green net that he was trapped in. Finally he managed to free himself from the net. He picked up the hook and started fiddling with the door- lock. He managed to unlock the door with just the help of a tiny hook. He crept out of the room and very quietly approached the deck not realising that there was a man ahead of him. The man lifted him up with his rather large hands. He threw Junior into an extremely small room and double locked the door.

As the ship neared Cape Town, the whale crashed violently into the big, old ship. The ship started to sink just off the coast of Cape Town. Junior was extremely scared because warm water (well, warmer than the Antarctic!) seeped under the door of his dark, prison room. He really felt terrified because the water temperature made him realise that he was far from home. As the ship was sinking, it was rocking from side to side and Junior was also. He heard all these terrifying noises, like the wood snapping and furniture hitting the sides of the walls. Then something hit the wall really hard so water came crashing in.

The water was getting higher and higher by the minute. Junior caught sight of a crack in the glass window which allowed more water to rush in. Suddenly, Junior had an idea! His idea was to bash against the glass with his rather small head. 1, 2, 3! He broke the glass and struggled out. He swam away frantically from the doomed ship. (So much for it being unsinkable!). Junior decided he would never like to go on a ship again.

He had no idea whatsoever whether anyone knew where he was. He really needed someone. He wondered if Miay was unharmed or the opposite of unharmed and he did not want to say the word “eaten!� He was desperate to find someone or something but, wait a minute, just not something big and bad and he hoped that he would not be in danger. He cried in misery
“HELP! Please, oh please help me", and his tears filled the ocean.

"Excuse me," said a little voice nearby. "Whats the matter. Are you hurt?" said a soft, sweet , concerned voice.
"Yikes!" he said, ’’What kind of penguin are you?" asked Junior.
"Well you know," she said, "A jackass penguin and you?" He said that he had never heard of such thing.
"Anyway I am a Rockhopper penguin," replied Junior.
"Its like asking someone how are they and they would answer I am fine" said the Jackass penguin. He asked her what her name was. She replied that her name was Pamela.
"That's a beautiful name", he said. He said that his name was Junior.
"Can I just ask you where I am?" asked Junior.
"You are off the coast of Cape Town," she said.
"What's Cape Town?" he said.
"Will you be my friend" asked Junior.
"Sure!" she replied.

Junior was strolling along with Pamela discussing how he was going to escape from the island and get back to cold Antarctica.
“Oh look dolphins!�exclaimed Pamela excitedly.
“Isn’t that strange behaviour for dolphins?�asked Pamela again as a 'dolphin' leapt out of the water bearing razor sharp teeth.
“EEK,SHARK!� Screamed Pamela wetting her feathers.
“What?� Junior asked absentmindedly. “Oh a shark how sweet, I’m going to go pat him!� cooed Junior.
The shark pulled him under water! Junior was lashed about in the dangerous mouth. Then strangely, the sharks disappeared as a huge splash occurred.
“Junior, you’re all right!� Squeaked Miay.
“Look at the cut!� exclaimed Junior proudly holding out his flipper.
“Come on! We don’t have all day!� scolded Miay.
“Hop on!� bubbled the whale and off they went back to shore.

A few days later, Junior went fishing with Pamela and saw Miay dashing back to shore with a slippery, juicy fish in her beak.
“Mmm....Miay, that looks yummy. I was about to go fishing but it looks like you have enough there for all of us!� remarked Junior with a gleam in his eye. Miay turned her head slowly towards Junior and looked down her black beak at him with her beady eyes and replied, “I’m sure you and your new best friend, Pam, will manage without my
help. Goodbye for now.�
Junior was stunned for a moment. His greatest friend and playmate was certainly behaving strangely. Why, whatever had fluffed up her tail-feathers, he thought to himself. All the same, he turned round and headed up towards the shore again,
after Miay.
“Miay, Miay, what on earth were you talking about back there. I am still your friend. I like Pamela, but she will never take your place!�
“It certainly doesn’t seem like it!� she sniffed, “the two of you went fishing without me yesterday!�
“Oh my darling, Miay,� laughed Junior, “you are just jealous! No one could ever take your place! What a silly, but lovable penguin you are!�
They both sat on the sand and had a good giggle about the misunderstanding.

"Miay! Miay! Please can you come with me to the Antartica. I cannot go on my own because I feel scared on my own."
Oh boy now how are they going to get to Antartica? They started to swim to Antartica at full speed. After quite a while, Junior suddenly flopped down on a smooth rock and groaned,
�I am so hungry!"
"No way I am going to go fishing now!� Said Miay.
“Hold it!� shouted Junior, "I hear something behind us!" As they spun around a giant squid narrowly missed them.
"SWIM FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!" Shouted Miay in fright. After about an hours swimming and wild chasing they reached Antarctica without the squid and started up along the coast.

Junior found a Penguin Times crumpled up lying on the shore. He picked it up and saw that the headline read, "2 Penguins Trapped Under An Ice-cap."
“They are in danger,“ he said.
He went to tell Miay. Maiy said he had to do something.
"They don’t have enough air to survive." He thought and thought how could he offer his assistance.

He suddenly had a brilliant idea! He was going to rescue the two helpless Rockhopper penguins and even though he had to find his own beloved parents, he was going to help these penguins first. But what Junior didn’t know was that the two penguins who were trapped were really his parents. After a while Junior tapped Miay on the shoulder and asked his two friends if they would like to go and save the two desperate penguins. They said, “Yes!� So they all set off into the icy cold and forbidding ocean. On the way to save the penguins there was a narrow channel and the whale could not fit through it! So Miay and the whale went back and left Junior to swim alone.

On the way to rescue these 2 penguins, he felt excited, because he knew he was doing something good! He felt he couldn’t let other penguins feel as lonely as he had, if it was one of their relatives.
He couldn’t wait to rescue these 2 penguins because he knew he would become very popular and he thought then maybe the penguins would help him find his parents.
He definitely didn’t want anyone else to come because it might be a bit too dangerous for them. So he didn't even let Miay come with him.

Junior set out on his dangerous journey, more determined than ever to help these penguins. He energetically jumped from ice-cap to ice-cap looking for any sign of life. He had been carefully looking at the ice for most of the morning, when he noticed dark shapes below a rather thick chunk of of the ice-cap. He looked through the frosty ice. Something inside him stirred, and he felt a tingling shoot through his body. For what
reason, he wasn’t sure. He tried to focus on the pleading eyes beneath him. Again his feathers ruffled with a strange anticipation. Could it be.....
A huge white polar bear had jumped onto the ice-cap, its teeth gnashing and its claws scratching the ice! As it landed, it’s heavy weight cracked a weakened spot in the ice-cap. There was a moment’s silence as the penguins remained shocked. Then, the noise of nails being scratched on a chalkboard got louder and louder. Finally, the crack gave way and the hungry polar bear slid down and with a terrified growl landed in the water. Junior started to slide too, and felt himself racing towards the bear’s gnashing teeth. The bear was now within a paw’s reach of snatching one of the penguins. Junior swam up to the penguins, his heart beating. This was not what he had
hoped to happen. Even though he was frantic, he kept staring at the penguins. What was it?
Would he find out before the polar bear caught any of them?
Would they be saved? Would Junior ever be happy again?
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:42 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Location: Long Island, NY
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Chapter Six - Mission: Escape from Whale

Junior heard a noise behind the polar bear. It was a leopard seal. It scared the polar bear and the polar bear ran away. Junior ran to see if everyone was OK. Then Junior went to see the penguins. He couldn't find Miay, so he thought she was still mad at him.
When Junior turned around, he was suddenly swallowed by a large whale! He traveled through the whale until he finally landed in the whale's stomach. While he was there, he met a Chinstrap penguin named Zak. Zak was very friendly. There was also a bunch of other animals the whale had eaten trapped in his stomach. The whale had been very hungry!
All the animals decided to plan an escape mission. They called it "Mission: Escape from Whale". The seal's job was to tickle the whale with his tale while the rest of the animals would push out the whale's sides which would force the whale to open his mouth widely. Junior would insert a stick into the whale's mouth to hold his mouth open so the animals could get out. All the animals swam out while Junior and Zak waited behind. They swam out and grabbed the stick. The whale sneezed and blew Junior and Zak far out into the ocean.
Zak asked Junior if he wanted to meet his mom and dad. Junior said, "OK, but can we get something to eat? I'm starving!"
Once they got out of the water, they found some fish and started eating. Zak said, "Come on! Let's meet my parents."
Once they found Zak's parents, Junior asked Zak when he and his parents had arrived in the area. Zak said they had just gotten there. Junior thought they looked very much like the penguins in the ice, but they couldn't be because Junior was a Rockhopper and these penguins were Chinstraps.
Junior started to think about his own parents (who, although unknown to Junior, were still under the ice). Junior asked Zak and his parents if they knew who the penguins were under the ice. Zak and his parents said they had seen them before, but did not know who they were. Junior asked where they had seen them. Zak's parents said, "You're picky aren't you? You ask too many questions!" Then they said, "Come on Zak." When Zak refused to go with them and insisted on helping Junior find his parents, Zak's parents yelled at him and Junior and Zak swam away.
Will Zak and Junior be seen again?
Will they find Junior's parents?
Will they reunite with Miay?
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:42 PM
fred says fred says is offline
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Has anyone actually read anything that he has put up?
So here we are tonight
You and me together
The storm outside, the fire is bright
And in your eyes I see
What's on my mind
You've got me wild
Turned around inside
Old 01/23/2005, 01:43 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Chapter Seven - A Long Journey North

Junior and Zak decided that they would go fishing.They had not eaten for quite awhile because the two penguins were so intent on listening to Zak's parents; however they swam around the area long enough. "I think a fish or two would taste good right about now, don't you, Zak? questioned Junior.
Zak agreed. He figured that they were respectful of his parents' wishes long enough. " I see several squid over there," Zak hollered. The friends caught their meal and were enjoying the feast when Junior spotted the top of a whale. He was not sure what kind of whale.
Suddenly the whale's head popped up and snatched Zak from the shore. The orca whale carried Zak far out into the South Atlantic Ocean, while Junior sadly watched. Junior was not going to accept the loss of his friend. Junior swam as fast as he could toward the whale. The orca got confused by the splashing and crashed into the rocks along the shore.
Junior saw his friend being thrown out of the whale's jaws and onto the rocky shore. Icicles have trapped Zak. Junior waddled over to him and freed him just as the whale threw itself onto the shore. "Too late, orca! You will not eat us! screamed a jubilant Junior. Now the two penguins had to figure out a way to find Junior's parents.
As the rockhopper and chinstrap penguins were shuffling along, a crumpled piece of newspaper blew in their path. Junior picked it up a read about a special problem that was reported in "The Penguin Times." He read:"A pair of rockhopper penguins were discovered under the ice. It appears as if they were trying to say something:'Get Junior'."
Junior was elated. His parents were back on Antarctica. "Help me rescue them, Zak. We can do it!"
Zak said, "I know a wise parrot. I met him when I once visited the mouth of the Amazon River on one of my family trips. He can help us."
"Let's stow away on one the cruise ships. The tourists will think we are part of the tour," suggested Junior.
As the expected ship rounded the bend of Cape Horn, the penguins managed to climb aboard, when the captain was slowing down to explain the history of the Cape. Junior and Zak glanced up and saw Zak's parrot friend on the top of the radar tower.
The parrot saw the penguins and led them to a safe spot on the ship. He said that they would follow the eastern coast of South America. Then the ship would head north to North America and its port, Philadelphia Pennsylvania. There they would find other parrots in the Philadelphia Zoo that could help Junior find the animals or humans to rescue his parents.
Indeed, the ship did sail north and the penguins were safe. The wise parrot flew to his home along the Amazon River, but he gave them a special note that introduced themselves as friends of the wise parrot.
The ship sailed up the Delaware Bay and into the Delaware River. "I see the Camden New Jersey Aquarium, just like the parrot said we would," Zak yelled.
"I hope none of those orca whales escape their enclosures before we pass," added Junior.
The ship finally docked at the port of Philadelphia. The two penguins slid into the river and swam to the area that was close to the zoo. They waddled to the entrance and slipped in. They found the parrots. "Help us rescue my parents," pleaded Junior.
The parrots read the wise Amazon parrot's note. "We have devised escape plans before. But we are caged and need your help to escape our own cage," the parrots said.
How will Junior and Zak free the parrots?
What kind of plans will the parrots use in the rescue of Junior's parents?!
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:43 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Originally posted by homer227
Has anyone actually read anything that he has put up?
Have you?
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:43 PM
Flipturn88 Flipturn88 is offline
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Originally posted by homer227
Has anyone actually read anything that he has put up?
Um not I
. .:( Kayla ):. .

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:44 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Chapter Eight - The Magic Owl

The two penguins huddled together in the bushes trying to decide how to save the parrots. "I know, we can all charge the zoo keeper and force him to free the parrots," Junior suggested.
"Why only the parrots? Polar Bears have rights too! And what about your aunts and uncles over there in the penguin enclosure?" one wise parrot argued. "Yes," another parrot squawked, "We won't go unless all the other animals are freed!"
"Oh no! That's terrible. Now I will never see my parents again! It would take a miracle to free all the animals," cried Junior.
Suddenly the monkeys screamed, the tigers roared, and the elephants stamped their feet in fear. "It's an earthquake," shouted the wise parrot, "Save yourselves!" The zoo cages flew open and all the animals fled toward freedom. Junior got his miracle.
In the confusion the penguins and parrots headed toward the nearest airport. The wise parrots advised they must all go to Hawaii to meet a magic owl named Mr. Huhu. So they snuck into the luggage of the first plane heading to Hawaii and landed at Hilo, Hawaii 18 hours later. "I'm hungry," the penguins complained. "My feathers are all messed up," the parrots said.
"How will we find Mr. Huhu?" Junior wondered. "I think he lives on the island's highest mountain, Mauna Kea." Answered the wisest parrot. Just then a friendly Hawaiian Hawk landed near by and said, "You guys are in luck. Mt. View School is going to Mauna Kea on a field trip today." "Oh great, it sounds much cooler there. Let's jump on that Hele-On Bus right now!" Zak exclaimed.
At Mt. View School Ms. Jones' class is just preparing to go to lunch when the two penguins and two wise parrots tumbled off the bus. The students gathered around the animals in excitement. "What are you doing here?" asked Butch. "I didn't know penguins lived in Hawaii." Then the penguins explained why they needed to Mauna Kea to meet the Magic Owl who will help them save Juniors' parents. Kashton exclaimed, "Right after lunch we are going on a field trip to the top of the mountain!" "Hurray! What's for lunch?" Junior asked. "Fish sticks!" the whole class yelled.
After an hour-long bus ride they arrive at the top of the 13,000 feet high mountain. At the highest point of the highest mountain there was an observatory telescope. On top of the observatory sat a huge white Hawaiian Owl. The children and animals surrounded the observatory and called out to the owl. "Mr. Huhu, Mr. Huhu!" "Whooo dares to disturb my slumber?!!" the grumpy old magic owl demanded.
"My name is J-J-J-Junior, and we have come to find a way to free my parents from underneath the ice," Junior stammered.
"What will you give me if I help you?" Mr. Huhu grumbled. The children and animals collected everything they had in their pockets. When they were finished they offered the owl one orange marker pen, two dollars and 30 cents, a star token, a globe pencil sharpener, 5 empty candy wrappers, 4 left-over fish sticks, and 6 parrot feathers. The owl inspected the booty and replied, "I will accept your gifts. You are granted 3 wishes."
"Well, I miss all my friends" Junior said thoughtfully. " I wish they were all here with me." Suddenly Miay, Rocky, and Pamela appeared. They all hugged and introduced everyone to the children. "How will Rocky the whale get back to the ocean?" the children asked. "He can ride on the top of our bus," Ms. Jones replied.
"Now for your second wish?" Mr. Huhu interrupted. "I wish my parents were here!" Junior shouted hurriedly. All of a sudden a huge block of ice appeared with Juniors parents inside. "Now, your third and final wish......" the impatient owl demanded. "Oh, I don't know what to wish for, I wish I had more wishes!"
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:45 PM
FalsePerc FalsePerc is offline
Actinia equina
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Originally posted by Flipturn88
Um not I
And why is that? These stories are real thrillers, there are tons of them.
If life sometimes gets you down, just remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm out of hundreds of thousands.
Old 01/23/2005, 01:46 PM
Flipturn88 Flipturn88 is offline
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Originally posted by FalsePerc
And why is that? These stories are real thrillers, there are tons of them.
Because If I wanted to spend all afternoon reading, I would actually do my homework.

I'm out. Later everyone.

(Go Falcons!)
. .:( Kayla ):. .

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

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