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Old 12/29/2005, 10:37 PM
horkn horkn is offline
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Originally posted by Aquactinics
Ok. I see there is still some confusion about the workhorse ballasts. Let me see if I can straighten some things out. The Workhorse ballasts are solid-state ballast. They are hard start ballast, this is true. It tests, T5 lamps on a solid state ballast have in about 50% of the lamps tested shorten the overall T5 lamp's life by around 20% ( or somewhere around that ). Now, what does this mean to someone using them for reef tanks? Not a whole lot. A T5's lifespan is around 25,000 hours ( at 12 hours per start ) So, at 12 hours a day, 365 days a year that comes out to 5.7 years. For a solid state ballast take 20% off the and you get about 4.56 years ( and that's for only half the lamps ). For reef tank use, just like MHs, the bulbs are not used for it's entire lifespan. T5s are typically used for about 18-24 months depending on color type and brand. But again, it all depends on the bulb. I know some that change it sooner and some the use it much longer. A solid-state ballast versus a programmed start ballast all comes down to the starting of the lamp. Unless you are going to start the T5 lamp on workhorse ballast 10 times a day, you are really not going to see much of a difference in the T5's life.
thats exactly what i have read, and precisely why i run workhorses on my t5s.

and i dont own a monkey that turns on and off my aquarium lights all day, so i will be set
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Old 12/29/2005, 11:58 PM
Giz Giz is offline
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Hey, Grim,

It's me again. Just wanted to know what you thought about what I was saying about the lights being too bright for my zoanthids, coralline algae and almost everything else in my tank 2 pages back on this thread. I really would like to know what your suggestion would be before I give up on the T5s. I really like the way the lighting looks, just not what it's doing to my corals. PLEASE!
Old 12/30/2005, 12:04 AM
backlash backlash is offline
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"thats exactly what i have read, and precisely why i run workhorses on my t5s.and i dont own a monkey that turns on and off my aquarium lights all day, so i will be set"
LOL, I agree.
I wanted to add that I just installed my old t5 fixture on my new 29" deep oceanic and was a little worried that it wouldn't be enough. I didn't need to worry. It is very bright all the way to the bottom! All my corals and clams seem very happy. JM2c
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Old 12/30/2005, 12:32 AM
The Grim Reefer The Grim Reefer is offline
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Originally posted by Giz
Hey, Grim,

It's me again. Just wanted to know what you thought about what I was saying about the lights being too bright for my zoanthids, coralline algae and almost everything else in my tank 2 pages back on this thread. I really would like to know what your suggestion would be before I give up on the T5s. I really like the way the lighting looks, just not what it's doing to my corals. PLEASE!
I am pretty sure I responded t you with a PM, maybe it didn't go through.

Cut back to just the blueplus lamps for a few days and see what happens. A lot of the sellers have their zoos under 20K halides pretty close to the top so I would be really shocked if 4 T5's were too much light. If they do start coloring up you could go with a 3rd blueplus in your mix if you don't mind the color or just slowly acclimate the corals by adding back the 2 aquablue lamps over a few weeks.
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Old 12/30/2005, 03:26 AM
Justin74 Justin74 is offline
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Originally posted by horkn

i only spent 170 dollars on my entire t5ho setup, and if i didnt have this stinking bryopsis problem, i would post a pic..

well, i can say the bryposis likes the light
Cmon!Post one! I promise I wont tell no one

Old 12/30/2005, 04:36 PM
The Grim Reefer The Grim Reefer is offline
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Ahhh yes, the heartbreak of bryopsis
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Old 12/31/2005, 12:38 AM
smokez01 smokez01 is offline
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hey Grim Reeper,

i was checking out the 5 light special here:

i was planning on having my tank sps only, and still would like to have it that way, the way my tnak is set up is, its a 48 long, 18 wide, and 20 high,

it is set up as room divider and the rock structure is like an island in the middle, so its viewable from three sides,

ive been checking out the t5 setups and would like to give it a try, compared to MH, i was definatly gona go for the 6 bulbs, but i do not have the money atm for them

since it is an island type, most of the corals will be in the middle of the tank, and the very top of the rocks is about, id say 7-9" below the surface of the water,

would this fixture be OK? I do not want to buy it if i am going to regret it in the future, and the holiday special with the 5 free bulbs ends on 12/31,

if it is ALRIGHT, what would you suggest for the bulbs? i wanted to go with something like dananos tank, so i was thinking id get 4 blues and 2 blue +, if i went with the 6 bulbs, i do not know what to get with this 5 bulb feature??

thanks very much for your help Grim
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Old 12/31/2005, 02:49 AM
tijat tijat is offline
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Uhg, 40 pages and I still didn't find what I was looking for. Can someone please tell me if I should get a 6 or 8 bulb TEK for a standard AGA 75g? I'm not too sure what I'll be growing, but I'd like to start with the option of SPCs.

Old 12/31/2005, 03:59 PM
The Grim Reefer The Grim Reefer is offline
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That fixture should do fine for you although I am not sure about the freebe lamps. I have some here to try and haven't gotten to it yet. I will be setting them up to have a look see and measure PAR after the in-laws leave tomorrow.


I think the 6 lamp Tek is about the most you'll fit over the 75 which should be plenty unless you plan on SPS snd clams only.
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Old 12/31/2005, 04:48 PM
dadofrad dadofrad is offline
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I have a 55gal with a narrow front. I should be able to run 2 48 t5 in the back of the tank and 2 36 t5 up front. The tank depth is 18" to the sand bed. I want to use a icecap 660. What would be a good bulb selection and order, and will I be limited in what I can have in the tank?
Old 12/31/2005, 06:06 PM
The Grim Reefer The Grim Reefer is offline
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I'd mix 50/50 aquablue and blueplus. Running the 4 lamps on a Ice Cap 660 will limit you to higher light critters only, forget about shrooms.
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Old 12/31/2005, 09:59 PM
dadofrad dadofrad is offline
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If I dropped one or both of the 36 inch would I be able to run shrooms to sps? Or is there not a happy medium.

Thanks for the response! I would hate to pay the money out for a system I disliked. I wasn't overly crazy about halides, and everyone in my area seems to be pro halide.
Old 12/31/2005, 10:41 PM
The Grim Reefer The Grim Reefer is offline
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Your best shot would be to run standard ballasts for the 4 lamps. Just keep the SPS in the upper half of the tank.
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Old 01/01/2006, 12:10 AM
BBarnes BBarnes is offline
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Hi guys, Happy New Year

I just found this thread after already buying 4 (54w) T5 lamps and a 660 Ice Cap ballast, great minds eh but am unsure if I need more T5s so I have a couple of ques any help would be great.
I have a L72�, W 24�, H 30� or 224 Gal AGA tank.

For lighting I have 3 Ice Cap 250/400 W DE pendants
3 - 250W Ice Cap MH Ballasts
3 - 14 K lamps
4 - Ice Cap SLRs T5 reflectors
4 - T5 (54w) Blue Actinics
1 - 660 Ice Cap ballast

I plan on staggering the T5s and running them most of the day and have the MH pendants come on for a 4Hr period mid-day.

Que #1 Do you think 4 T5s with SLR reflectors are enough for SPS LPS etc supplementing with the halides 4 hrs a day in a 30� deep tank? Halides down the middle of the tank with 2 T5s on either side.

Que #2 If I add 2 more T5s, giving me 6 T5s with SLR reflectors along with the 250W MH pendants could I run into bleaching problems?Halides down the middle of the tank with 3 T5s on either side.

What do you think ?

Old 01/01/2006, 12:16 AM
asnatlas asnatlas is offline
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Old 01/01/2006, 12:25 AM
The Grim Reefer The Grim Reefer is offline
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Try it as is and see how it goes. If you are using Actinicplus lamps you get a decent amount of usable PAR out of them.
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Old 01/01/2006, 01:11 AM
BBarnes BBarnes is offline
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Ok Grim thanks, I will give it a go with just 4 T5s first.

Thanks for the welcome Shawn
Old 01/01/2006, 08:01 PM
charlesjordanjr charlesjordanjr is offline
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Justin and grim, I want to tell you guys thanks!! This thread has been so informative. I love my new T5's! thanks for your input. You guys are awesome!
Old 01/01/2006, 09:11 PM
Justin74 Justin74 is offline
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Originally posted by charlesjordanjr
Justin and grim, I want to tell you guys thanks!! This thread has been so informative. I love my new T5's! thanks for your input. You guys are awesome!
My pleasure

Old 01/02/2006, 07:59 AM
Giz Giz is offline
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Hey, Grim. Thanks for the reply. Sorry I didn't reply sooner I've been really busy.I don't think I got your email .com not .net. I'll try your suggestion, but I have tried something similar already. I can't believe I'm having this problem. Some of them are even showing new growth, but the colors are bad, very bad. I got most of my zoos from a 4x65watpc system that a friend had, but recently switched to the Nova Extreme 54wat t5s after he gave me some frags. His look even better after the switch to T5s. Is there anyone that you know of using 3 blue+? Is there a way to run the T5s to give the output of pcs? I'm sort of at a loss. I've had most of my zoos for a month and a half and only showed very slight improvement in coloration when when raising the lights from 5'' to 7''. How high can I raise the lights?
Old 01/02/2006, 01:11 PM
The Grim Reefer The Grim Reefer is offline
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You could try cutting back on the number of lamps you are running or swap out a couple of aquablues for actinics and see what happens. I am really surprised about the zoos, I figured they would be the last thing to rebell against the T5's.
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Old 01/02/2006, 01:12 PM
The Grim Reefer The Grim Reefer is offline
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Old 01/02/2006, 01:32 PM
tijat tijat is offline
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Thanks, Grim!!!
Old 01/02/2006, 01:32 PM
charlesjordanjr charlesjordanjr is offline
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Originally posted by Giz
Is there anyone that you know of using 3 blue+? Is there a way to run the T5s to give the output of pcs? I'm sort of at a loss. I've had most of my zoos for a month and a half and only showed very slight improvement in coloration when when raising the lights from 5'' to 7''. How high can I raise the lights?
My configuration has three blue+ and is as follows:

GE Daylight

My zoos look better than ever. The colors really pop! The lights are 3" off of the water's surface. Did you acclimate the corals to the new lighting with layers of screen?
Old 01/02/2006, 01:32 PM
JohnL JohnL is offline
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