when I had my discus spawn the eggs would be gone in the mourning. I spoke to some peolpe who felt that they were eating it because they could not see the eggs to protect them. So I would leave a room light on at night and turn the tank light off. Well the eggs all hatched after that. Just a thought if it worked for one fish it might work for yours.
If she is eating them.....Let her.She knows better than you as to the condition of her eggs.It is hard to do because you have waited sooo long for the spawn.RELAX It will be a few more spawns until she produces top quality eggs.It is hard work keeping those eggs for 8 days.If she sees the hatch will be in vain see will eat them,and try again later.Geting the first batch is the hard part.Keep feeding her to saturation at least once a day.My bet,in less than 2 months you will have a good hatch.Then the hard part starts.Good luck and keep doing what you are doing.Pm me any time...Mitch
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein |
congrats and good luck...
Well, I decided to let nature take its course, and I think this spawn is here for the duration! Here is the nest at 48 hrs:
The eggs (about 200) have already turned from a bright orange to a kind of brownish orange. Hopefully this means they are fertile. Mama and Papa seem much more diligent at protecting the nest this time around, and I never did figure out what ate the others. On a side note, I have two 4gal containers of rotifers going, at about 30-50 rots/ml. Does that seem like enough, or should I try and start some more? Thanks
"Carpe Diem" (seize the day) "Carpe Toyota" (seize the engine) "Carpe Carp" (seize the fish) "Carpe Oceanus" (sieze the seas) |
Looks like you're well on your way.
I think your should be fine with that many rotifers. Just make sure you're removing some on a regular basis. I'll be curious to see if your percs develop like mine. I'm around the 90 day mark and only have 1 out of about 100 that is begining to get it's second stripe.
"Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little security shall soon have neither." Benjamin Franklin |