Cincyreef Frag Swap
Okay guys.... time for the announcement of the Cincyreef Frag Swap! This will be October 20th, from 10 am to 3 pm at the Underground in Forest Park. We will have a guest speaker, Mr. Steven Pro, and there will be a raffle that will blow your mind!! Also, demo's will be done through out the day! Don't miss it! Mark this date on your calender!!!
Now, thats a deal!!! |
Can't wait. But I will enjoy the summer.
Remember to mark your calenders.
Bump for anyone that may want to come! It's getting close to that time, and we hope to see some of you there!!
Now, thats a deal!!! |
Getting closer and closer everyday!! We have some really good donations coming in! ORA, Oceanic, and Auto Top off just to name a few!
Now, thats a deal!!! |
Steven Pro will be giving 2 different presentations at 11am and 1pm. Hope to see you there! |