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Old 01/04/2008, 06:22 PM
dbmtrman dbmtrman is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: South Florida
Posts: 52
how do angels do in hypo?

The reason I ask is that I have a Koran Angel (Juvenile 3.5 inches) in qt, along with a Kole Tang. The Koran went into qt for a small spot of lymphocystis on his bottom lip and left pectoral fin. I became concerned when the left pectoral fin began to deteriorate, and thought he needed a treatment of antibiotics. The qt is a 24 gal AP. The Kole, was also looking as if he was coming down with Ich. So while I had the LR out of my 180 to catch the Koran, I also removed the Kole at the same time.

They have been in qt for 3 days now. The Koran's lymphocystis looks much better, but the Kole's ich has began to get worse. My question is, since The Kole has ick, and I planned on treating with hypo, should I also treat the Koran, as a preventative? I do have another 10 gal set up as a qt, in which I could put the koran, but he seems to be getting along great with the Kole. They share the same piece of PVC in qt.