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Old 02/20/2003, 03:51 AM
clownbob77 clownbob77 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: California
Posts: 14
red streaks and such

A common, yet widely ignored problem is simple flukes. These invisible worms are making a comeback in the industry, largely to the increased demand we as hobbyists are placing on an already stressed system.
If you see clouding on eyes, fins or pecs especially, try the standard freshwater dip, but do it in a clear container where you can watch the result. After a few minutes, these white "snowflakes" fall off and you will be both amazed and grossed out at the same time, wondering how we never knew they were there.
Observation and immediate reaction is what is applied in the medical trade. We can never be on top all of the time, but an occasional trade of places can show a different view, and that can broaden your knowledge. And save lives.
When dealing with fish and pathogens, try to think of yourself as a mini ER.
That's the long and short of it.
You take the resposibility, ya might have to postpone dinner with the kids and the ex.

Just doing my job, Maa'm.