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Old 08/30/2005, 09:45 PM
mike9515756 mike9515756 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Montreal Canada
Posts: 236
shrinking anemone and smoking liquid

In the last 2 months, i added extra current. My BTA, well use to look like an LTA, yes it had long tentacles and Dr.Ron said it was normal. It looked great until the extra flow, it shrunk a bit not not to the point of being concerned because it 's tentacles looked more like a normal bta. Often i would find it totally shrunk but the porcelain crab was there bothering it. I just went on vacation for 2 weeks and my big cleaner shrimp that would always chill next to the anemone is gone aswell as a chromis (both vanished). Since i came back it's always shrunken except 2-3 hours before the lights go on....go figure. Last night clouds of smoke were comming out of it's mouth for a period of about 1 hour. Can anyone explain this?
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