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Old 01/10/2008, 08:58 PM
cortez marine cortez marine is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: San Jose, Calif
Posts: 243
The Vanuatu guy was from Mascinloc Zambales, trained on nets in 1993.
The Bolinao guy, Eddie Balmoral was trained by others and was thrilled to get paid well to work abroad.
No where in the contract they had to sign did it say that you'd have to "dive deep or else not get paid" .
Forcing people to go to certain danger every, single day to catch ventralis gives them the choice...resign and be sued or work deep.
None of them understand the efects of deep diving like genuinely trained scuba people and they figure that "some are taken and the rest spared."
Just bad luck if you're taken they think instead of the predictable laying down the odds in a game of Russian Roulette.
Today they are still pressured to go deep...and think they cannot rebel against the powers that they are contracted to work for.
Criminal charges would be levied in many countries over this.