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Old 07/10/2007, 01:08 AM
Ace1 Ace1 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Laguna Hills California
Posts: 154
Has anyone tried feeding there fish Dulse and Nori, from my understanding Dulse (red marine alge) stops viruses from replicating in humans and has prooven to stop and prevent many diseases in humans so wouldnt this make a good food supplement for our mairne animals.

Also Irish Moss and Bladderwrack (other red marine agle's) provide every nutrient needed by humans for survival. Wouldnt this be the best choice as i comes from there natural environment.

Im personally not a big fan of vitamins i beleive they are totaly unnecessary and lack nutrition. Fish in the wild dont need vitamins, so if we can provide as close to there natural diet i think we would simplify the regime.