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Old 01/06/2008, 11:21 PM
funman1 funman1 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Citrus Heights, CA
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heheh thanks!!
Please don't feel obligated to send anything!!! It's not that big of a deal.

NEW NEWS: Well, gave a call this evening to see how it was going, and power is actually back up for them!!! She said the power lines are still draped across the road?!?!? So they must be backfeeding the lines around the mess I guess. Which is great news!!!!

I guess she did get her computer back up the other night but alas no internet yet. I forgot to ask what they use (DSL, CABLE)? So I'm assuming cable and the lines that are all over the road had cable on them so..

But all is doing well, official report: NO fish Loss and Coral loss is not yet known, but so far nothing is dead, just struggling a bit.

So that's the word from up north!!
"Sharks are naturally peaceful."
"How'd you get that nasty cut anyway?"
"A shark bit me."

Jack of all trades, and master of none.