Thread: Refugium light
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Old 10/16/2006, 11:38 AM
SuperNerd SuperNerd is offline
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Originally posted by donald altman
I use an LOA fixture from somehardware was less then 30 dollars( I think only 20ish) It is a white outdoor fixture with the 60 watt 6500k bulb.. it has a cheesy white reflector but it works great as a frag grow out and refugium bulb. I run the 6500k for grow out then a week or two with some blue light to bring the color back out... the 6500k really does well with growth.

You all will like the set up.. I drilled some holes in it to dissapate the ehat but it really doesn't get that hot.. Looking back I don't think I should have drilled it... but it doens't hurt anything.
I just set mine right ontop of a glass refugium over.
That's kinda what I do...but the only thing that really takes off is the algae in the fuge. How deep is your growout tank and how far from the surface of the water is the LOA placed?