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Old 11/04/2006, 02:18 AM
zemuron114 zemuron114 is offline
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Location: Pilgrim State (Mass)
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I also agree with pactrop. JCD would help immensely in our endeavors to change anything. I dont think he was attacking anyone specifically. But he did make valid points. If there is any mention of bringing in corals or illegal fish/rock etc, RC may be forced to reveal specific names. Even the mention of having a singe coral (since ALL coral is illegal here)

I am all for a reef club/forum, and would love to talk story with everyone! We just have to be careful in doing it. hopefully the laws change eventually, because this would be a perfect place to have a reef tank and even culture live corals for re-sale to help the hobby. You cannot beat natural sunlight!

Hope to see you all at the get together - when is it by the way?
"we are not here, we are the imagionations of ourselves"