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Old 09/16/2004, 02:16 PM
pi pi is offline
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I have no first hand knowledge, but have read severl references to the technique.

The idea is to clean your older liverock by placing in new clean ASW. Every 7 days or so you give the rock a good shake and take it out and place it in a new container of ASW. You repeat this for 6 to 8 weeks.

The idea is you give the bateria in the rock nothing to feed upon except the "stuff" in the rock (organics) and over time clean it out.

It was either boomer or bomber ( get them mixed up) who I saw make the first reference to "cooking" the rock and you can search on their name for more info. You can also try seant who I believe used this technique successfully. I am thinking of trying it myself, using a few rocks at a time to "revamp" my older rock.