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Old 08/30/2003, 12:28 AM
melsteve melsteve is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Melbourne Australia
Posts: 44
As I work fulltime and will hopefully have a resonable number of clowns breeding For rotifers and phyto the way I thought of going was,
I was going to culture phyto in 20 litre bottles like the ones you see on water dispeners now these are flat bottomed is that to much of a problem.
I have 10 of these and the intention is too drip feed a 250 litre tub with the rotifers in it and remove around 15%to 20% each day and water change about 5%to10% every couple of days and also have a sponge filter in there and clean this every two days or so.
I figure that this type of set up should only take around 15 to 20 min each day .
I can do bigger water changes in nesesscary as I have a large supply of NSW.
Any comments thoughts appreciated.
Regards Steve