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Old 03/15/2003, 07:37 PM
chicki chicki is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Alberta, Canada
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Thanks everyone. When I had my system hooked up I had a 25W UV unit plumbed in. When I had my first bout of ich I had it running full time and still lost half my fish, it seemed all the one's that survived we're the one's that went to the cleaning stations and let the shrimp clean them. I hadn't thought the UV unit had done anything? but after reading your posts I plugged mine back in. I have a timer on it as well and had heard that keeping it on at night was the best?? any opinions on this or should I just leave it on steady. I don't care about replacing the bulb if thats what's needed. I just don't know why it would help this time if it didn't help last time?
The part I don't understand is that EVERYTHING I have read (and believe me I've read lots) they all say that ich needs a host to survive. Most recommend 4 weeks of a fishless tank to erradicate it...why then did mine survive a 6 week fishless tank?? I also upped the temperature a bit (83) to help the parasite go through it's life cycle quicker.
I really thought that if I did all this...especially the quarantine and not just normal quarantine..but hypo for 4 weeks on every fish that I'd be safe. ?? why wouldn't I be???