Thread: Okay.......???
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Old 04/24/2006, 10:13 AM
dugg dugg is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Mount Dora , Florida
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I got started last weekend. I started out with this piece on my left chest that is for my son completing his fire/EMT training. The flames coming from the top of his helmet will trail across my shoulder and form a smoke cloud across the top of my back for the clouds over the cemetary. I found a guy here local that i like. His name is Brent Williams. He owns Mr. Williams Tattoo Co. in Taveres Florida. He did this piece totally freehand, (no stencil or drawing). It started out as my son's face with his helmet on burning through my chest, then transformed to the melting demon. My son had fun posing for it and watching me squirm lol.

I have to say, those are some tough fish lol, that hurts. Anyone that would say it's humane to tattoo a fish, might want to try one themselves first lol. I didn't expect it to be that intense. Pure self torture. Me and my left nipple aren't speaking to each other at this point lol. Actually, it's still screaming and i can't get a word in. When this finishes healing, the next step is a half sleeve, then it will all tie togeter with the back piece.

To answer the question OKAY????, I would say that it's not ok to tattoo anything or anyone that doesn't ask for it to be done. Self torture is one thing, inflicted against one's will, it's just pure torture.