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Old 01/17/2005, 09:26 PM
bachtor bachtor is offline
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Location: Northern VA
Posts: 460
what I would do is this:

1. Move the 29 as you described.

2. Place the 90 where you want it, and add your new sand. Then add some sand from the old tank.

3. Fill the 90 with some 29 water and the rest new water and add your baserock. If your adding new rock, this is the time to do it, or let it cycle in a trash can.

4. Add powerheads and heater for circulation. If your going for fresh southdown and established rock, you won't have a cycle. However, you do need to let the bacteria colonize and eventally settle the sand. This might take awhile.

If you want to speed this up, run a micro filter. A protein skimmer would do minimal removal of the particles, and since you don't have much of a bioload, won't skim much anyway.

5. Once settled, put your corals in a holding container, and replace water in the 90 with remaining water in the 29.

6. Since the chemistry is a little different in the 90, re acclimate your corals as you would when adding new corals to the tank.

7. At this point, I would add the sump and skimmer.

Again, my opinion only, but this is what I used to move my 46 to a 120. However, I didn't use a DSB in the 120, so my cloud cleared in a day.

Hope this helps.