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Old 12/04/2005, 01:00 PM
Randall_James Randall_James is offline
"Old Yeller"
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Originally posted by Biotoper
If the less-saline new water was dripping into the main tank at a relatively slow rate (dependent on the difference in salinity of the new water compared to the tank, and the estimated evaporation rate for the system), and the overflow drain was in the sump below, the mixing would be sufficient to still make the water change system pretty efficient.
As I recall, Anthony did a chart about this. Am not quoting the chart but it essentially stated
100 Gallon tank
100 Gallon water change = 100% water change
100 one gallon water changes = 90% water change

I think, I can not find the chart now but hey that is plenty effcient if I am even close to his chart.

ON the roti feeder, couldnt you just keep this system seperate from the auto top off? What I mean is that the auto topoff is pretty important (even more so when on vacation, and the only reason I had to make one btw) I like the idea but again the KISS principal is sort of the goal here? Neat concept however.. As long as it would not contribute to the failure rate of the system (key word was "careful eye on roti pops")
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