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Old 07/20/2006, 09:57 PM
Serioussnaps Serioussnaps is offline
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Sod, you should be Scorned for criticizing science which you know seemingly little about. This is a rare instance when the aquarium hobby has been harnessed by scientists for use in a coral research experiment. Shame on you for harassing this young coral scientist.
SOD, if you read the little part about "understanding the stability and/or flexibility of coral-algal symbioses" you might stop to realize that it is impractical and unethical to transplant corals all over the ocean and wait x number of years for stability and flexibility to show itself. Not to mention this would be prohibitively expensive more than twice over.
And if you were familiar with the field of coral symbiosis you would realize that Robin works for Todd LaJeunesse who is more or less responsible for developing Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) for use as a symbiodinium identification tool. Saying this study is poorly designed is like saying Jordan cant play ball. Dr. LaJeunesse has already typed out thousands of samples with ecological relevance from all over the world and this study aims to compliment research which has already been performed.