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Old 06/26/2007, 07:57 PM
cb747 cb747 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Williston Park, NY
Posts: 4,820
No Sick Fish Ick Medicine

Id like to give everyone my experience with the no sick fish ick medicine. IMO it doesnt work. It made matters much worse in my tank. Ive had a slight case of ick for about 2 months affecting 2 fish. I figured what the heck and ordered the No Sick Fish Ick treatment and started treating the tank as per the instructions. In 3 days every fish in my tank was covered in ick. I send an email to NSF and Tyler calls me on the phone. I think hey its good customer service. He proceeds to tell me that the product is indeed working and its supposed to hatch all the dormant ick in the tank and my infestation is so bad because its been lying dormant in the tank for atleast 2 months. I didnt know ick goes dormant. Anyway he suggests i up the dosage slightly and keep him informed. A few more days pass and a few more dead fish. 6 dead fish and counting now. I send a second email Sunday asking when the product is supposed to work. I get no reply. I send another crankier email today re asking the same question and also asking for a refund. I get a reply stating that he doesnt know how long it will take and im to continue treatment but he doesnt expect me to spend more money. No offer to ship another bottle of pee water. he also states that its effective only 85% of the time and i must be in the remaining 15% where this doesnt work. I didnt know there were multiple strains of ick. So in the end i have a tank full of ick infested fish. I have never in my life had an outbreak so bad. Do i attribute the explosive outbreak in such a short time to the medicine? Yes i do. I do feel that the medicine did cause the explosive outbreak so hey ill give it credit there. It has NOT however killed any ick that i can see. Im to continue medicating and spending more money on snake oil. IMO this product does not work. Atleast not for me. Its heartbreaking watching fish ive had for years succumb to this. I lost one of my prized fish too. The female of my mating hybrid clowns. That fish is irreplacable. So there you have it, my horrible experience. Copper is the only proven killer of ick. I also dont use a QT tank so in the end i only have myself to blame for getting ick in the first place. In that reguard i played with fire and got burned. I never would have needed NSF if i used a QT tank.