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Old 12/28/2007, 04:29 PM
IU2468 IU2468 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: CHICAGO, IL
Posts: 52
If you have the ability to keep them alive them will thrive just like Kawicivic said. I had them for a while and I was giving them to friends to help them out, which in turn I was able to put money back in my pocket. But you are right they don't last long without food, I tried for a while to breed them but once there are an abundance of them it was hard to produce enough aptasia. I even went and bought some rocks from LFS that Aptasia on it, I am sure that under the right conditions and having all the equipment needed to do it you can be succesfull from your home but I just didn't have the room to set up the extra tanks.