Thread: Solaris Lights
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Old 02/18/2007, 03:59 PM
ReefWraith ReefWraith is offline
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Originally posted by hahnmeister
Ive heard otherwise. These LED lights will become a great option in the coming years when they become more efficient, but right now they can barely compete with the crappiest of crap 250wattDE 20,000K bulbs. I wouldnt say, consider lighting a SPS tank with them.

Oh, and I do have a LED lit tank... its a DIY LED system that I made before the solaris came out. Im not impressed.

As you failed to post any of your 'DIY' LED specifics I can't comment as to the output of your LEDs. However, as I DO have an actual Solaris and have firsthand experience with both Lux measurements and coral behavior/characteristics before and after usage I CAN comment as to it's efficacy. You on the otherhand have to rely on hearsay. See my post as linked above for Lux readings versus a good quality 14K 250W MH bulb. Unless you have first hand experience or have similarly tested the unit and have factual information I don't see how you can add to this post. Too often on this site people spout opinion as if it's fact and then this 'opinion' is spread and somehow becomes 'fact' in the minds of the masses.

Happy Reefing,

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