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Old 01/11/2007, 09:33 AM
Stoney Mahony Stoney Mahony is offline
Free Thinker
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Orlando, Fl
Posts: 988
Originally posted by reefgeek84
You realize that ich is always present in water, correct? Its just a matter if it will affect your fish. Not all fish died from it. I have done everything to try treat my fish and nothing has really worked... I soak food in garlic and selco, before feeding them. UV is just another way to take care of the could say that a skimmer is a band to take nitrites out in between water is really all relative.

It keeps everything in my tank healthy and my water clearer, so I will stick with it...
A common misconception but ich IS NOT always present in water.
Here is a good link with a good explanation of why this is such a misconception:
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