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Old 12/14/2006, 02:09 AM
aclos3 aclos3 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 372
Watts = amps x volts. In mexico, I am pretty sure they use 120v systems, just like the US.

There are a few things you need to consider: The amperage rating of the breaker that outlet is on and other loads on the same circuit. (in nearly all cases one circuit will include many electrical outlets.

I assume you are asking about how much power you can run through one outlet? If everything is done to code, on a 15 amp circuit, with no other loads, you should safely be able to run 1500watts. On a 20 amp circuit, 2000watts should work (keep in mind, this is considering that there are NO other items drawing power from the same circuit.

Also, it would be helpful to know the gauge (thickness basically) of the wire that is used on that circuit. 14 gauge should only have a 15amp circuit (at 120volts) and 12 gauge should have a max of a 20amp circuit.