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Old 10/17/2006, 06:03 AM
jake levi jake levi is offline
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Location: North Central Michigan
Posts: 264
Nitrates are the finished product of the denitrifying cycle, raw urea and nitrites are the causes/content of the foam the skimmers remove, from fish and coral wastes, chaeto is excellent as it uses both in growth. The skimmer is a form of filtering, or a part of it, if the water needs to be prefiltered the skimmer isnt doing much. Not to knock the LFS but they sound clueless.

Murphy effect as in Murphys Law, "if something can go wrong it will at the worst possible time". The more pumps that there are in a system the more opportunities for something to go wrong.

Yes, if the sump is to be able to avoid disaster it has to be large enough to contain all the water that could come into it other then the main tank. But having the various parts gravity feed into the sump simplifys both pumping and water flow. If the sump is large enough to hold all the water other then the main tank then its 'no worries man'. Otoh, disaster is always near by.