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Old 09/23/2006, 12:13 PM
dugg dugg is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Mount Dora , Florida
Posts: 2,379
While i agree that the anemone and clowns would be most appealing to the public, that is one of the worst things you could do. Too many people have been brought into this hobby by the same vision, and try to set up a tank with an anemone and clowns right off the bat. We all know that is the worst thing a newby can do if they want to enjoy the hobby instead of fight with it until they give up in frustration.

You could very cheaply and easily set up a GSP and Xenia forest with a few nemo's that would dazzle everyone. Lord knows you can hardly kill either of those corals, so a little neglect on occassion would be forgiven. Only need moderate lighting, so the heat won't be an issue. I would also add a yellow watchman goby for the kids to watch dig in the sand, then after it has been up and matured a while, add a hippo tang, so you have Nemo and Dory for the kids.
If you get corn oil by squeezing corn, how do you get baby oil?