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Old 08/25/2006, 12:50 PM
wombat2 wombat2 is offline
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Originally posted by jiggy
it can be any nudibranch.
No it can't! Lots of nudibranchs come from cold water, and would die very quickly in a tropical reef tank.
they all feed on anemones,
Good lord man, where are you getting this stuff? Nudibranchs feed on a wide variety of invertebrate prey, including corals, anemones, hydroids, sponges, and even other nudibranchs.
thats what makes them toxic.
Eh, sorta true, if it wasn't attached to the first part of this sentence. Many aeolid nudibranchs put the unfired nematocysts from their cnidarian prey in the cerrata along their backs. There is some evidence that some nudibranchs are toxic all on their own though. I read a study on Hermissenda crassicornis (a temperate water aeolid that feeds mostly on hydroids) that showed seagulls will spit them out even when the slugs are fed a diet of shrimp and clam meat. Apparently they have a very low stomach pH, which may help explain the apparent distaste.
they arent born toxic.
See above.