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Old 01/29/2006, 08:36 PM
DSparks DSparks is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 229
I kept all of these goals in mind when designing the stand. My tools are limited so I decided to use the project wood from Lowes. It comes in a variety of wood types and sizes. I went with laminated pine.

The stand's length and width is larger than the base of the tank to accommodate a larger sump/fuge, a storage area, and a panel of switches to control receptacles for equipment.

The switches will control 5 receptacles in the sump/fuge area and three receptacles on the back of the stand for lights and fans in the hood.

One heavy duty extension cord will be used to feed the power panel, which will in turn feed each of the receptacles. I had considered using the DJ power panels that others have used, but they were a little too wide for my liking. I also had quite a few switches and receptacles left over from finishing my basement, which made the decision easier.