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Old 12/31/2005, 08:01 PM
rsalcedo rsalcedo is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 19

Awesome Deal I just moved into small apartment and my space is very limited. I will have to do with a 30 to 40 gallon max., but I would like to know if hang on fuge work well? I have been reading for over 9 months I bought books, logged on the site and read articles, threads., etc. I was thinking of creating this:

1. 29 gallon reef only
2. aqua-clear 110 filter (no-rings, no-carbon) replace with live-rock and use Purigen in a 300 micro-bag with carbon-sponge.
3. 40 lbs live rock
4. 30 lbs of Fiji pink live sand
5. 30 % weekly water changes.
6. Titatium heater
7. 2 pumps max gph equal 600 - 700 gph
8. I need a 30-inch light fixtures any suggestions?
9. I need hang on skimmer any suggestions? (no sea-clone)
10. Stand and Canopy I order
11. after cycle introduce a few cleaning crew members, banded shirmp and star fish, snails.
12. create under - tank q-tank 15 gallon with live rock and live sand with aqua-clear 50 same set-up as above.
13. after q- tank cycle
14. introduce gamma to q-tank 2 week holding.
15. introduce gamma to main tank.

These are the steps I would like to take to establish a great looking main tank.

I only have my tank empty, filter, media, and going slow due to lack of deep pockets. If any of you that live in socal that know anyone geting out of the hobby hit me up at