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Old 11/28/2005, 05:53 PM
brbegle brbegle is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 321
Back to the moron who bought the flippin' SeaClone ... I have this 29 gallon tank in a tight space with no room for a sump so I feel that I'm very limited in my options for now. I don't plan on going too huge for a while with the fancy items outside my current assortment of LR and some fish that will benefit the system .. the question is, will I get by .. it seems to be pulling a nice amount of medium brown skimmate (for lack of a better description) already, but nothing like you all are describing .. more like the color of tea than coffee. Is there perhaps a way I can improve upon the skimmer, for instance with the needle valve, to make it get by or am I just doomed? In my extremely humble opinion I've got great motion in the tank between the 3 powerheads, the hanging filter (carbon and sponge) and the hang-on SeaClone 100. If it matters at all, my lighting system is approximately 130w with 10k and acitinic and I have a base of 30lbs (I know it's a bit on the heavy side) of crushed coral. The tank was originally set up about 2 1/2 weeks ago and the LR was added about 2 weeks ago.
You can call me Bagelz!