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Old 11/18/2005, 10:08 AM
uberfugu uberfugu is offline
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Originally posted by Reefcherie
OMG what a cutie! Did you get another one?
Yes, they've been popping up in the local stores. Funny thing is, as I've been working a lot and not doing my usual LFS rounds, many people have been passing them up. They're usually small, brown, and reclusive ... not the showstopper that a bright maculatus is.

But they're kind of delicate. I just lost the orange one. He had polybag burn on his jaw from transit and the infection kept growing.

I had been prophylactically treating with the old standards: formalin dips, metronidazole, nitrofurazone; these seem to knock out incoming crypto, amyloodinium, and any bad bacteria. But some recent research has indicated that frogfishes may harbor dormant strains of Mycobacterium marinum and Vibrio sp. A lot of frogfish losses within the first few days point to massive bacterial infection.

I have recently acquired some rifampin and levofloxacin but I think that I wont use these until an infection is actually diagnosed.