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Old 10/07/2005, 10:14 AM
uberfugu uberfugu is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Oak/SF Bay Area
Posts: 327
The Dwarf Hawaiian frogfish is usually Antennarius randalli. It gets to about 3 cm long and its most prominent characteristic is that its second spine is connected to the dorsal by a membrane. I've never seen one for sale.

Antennatus tuberosus is pretty rare too. I tried to get one out of a Canadaidn LFS but the paperwork was too involved. This one came in as a pair bit I lost the other. It has a much wider range than the Randalls frog but is very uncommon and usually found at depths (this one was collected at 120 ft). The tuberculated frogfish gets to about 3" and is characterised by a minimal or absent esca.

He is in a 5 gal minibow, 75ºF, sal 30 (1.022), pH 8, 25% w/c weekly, HOB filter with polyfilter, phosban, and de-nitrate. He eats a few ghost shrimp twice weekly.
