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Old 06/08/2005, 07:15 PM
MCsaxmaster MCsaxmaster is offline
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How could we define a "crash" then? Assuming that sand beds are in some way causing the environment to become "dirty" (if you would, please define what you mean by this specifically), can't we then say any death in the tank is due to the sand bed crashing? I mean, there's no way to disprove the assumption here. If I have a tank with many corals, and lose an Acropora after a few years, am I do assume that the sand bed has crashed? What about all the other possible causes of mortality? How (especially if nitrate and phosphate have remained undetectable via hobbyist test kits) are we to differentiate a sand bed related "crash" from any other type of mortality? I mean, Acropora rarely lives beyond about 5-10 years in nature (though some do); are the seagrass beds in nature "crashing" and causing this mortality?



~ Touched by His noodly appendage ~