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Old 05/20/2005, 07:34 PM
cital cital is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 95
I just saved my anemone, it was awesome

So I get up this morning and my flouresent green BTA (with purple tips) wasn't looking so hot, so I wait until the lights turn on and it is only getting worse, its mouth was starting to expand it was shrunk up, etc, I really thought it was going to die and I was really bummed because it is an awesome anemone. So I test my water and my PH and alkalinity is way way low, I went to the LFS and they told me to use the Kent Marine super buffer dkh, so I used it and I couldn't believe how the anemone responded, within an hour it was back close to full health. I couldn't believe how fast the turn around was. Anyway, just wanted to share, I am stoked.