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Old 04/06/2005, 02:51 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: NE Ohio
Posts: 2,244
Brands. Oh lawdy!

Icecap is the best readily available electronic ballast for my money

Coralife are Ok but wimpy in comparison to Icecaps

Fulham ballasts work, they'er cheap, but generate a ton of heat so I dumped 'em!

URI makes fantastic VHO tubes w/ built in reflectors but are not cheap!

API cheap alternative andlast about 1/2 to 2/3 effectively

Pc's are fine, I just went with VHO's for more Watts per buck and HUGE savings on replacement tubes.

I prefer 10000K, 12000K, 50/50 Actinic , and .03 Actinic in combo.
10K's are yellow, 12's are white, 50/50 and ,.03 are bluish to blue
I can live without 10000K's for my eye but I like to give the tank a full load of spectrum!

I recently fitted a 90 reef (not mine) with 2 Fulhams, 8 caps, and 4- 48" URI and Coralife VHO's for about $170.

I'd upgrade by adding 2 halides is I felt it was necessary. right now I'm just cruising (floating as it were)
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