Thread: new aquarium
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Old 02/05/2002, 05:35 PM
tyoberg tyoberg is offline
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I see your major obsticle to be controlling salinity. The heat from your lights will evaporate quite a bit of water each day, leaving all things salty behind--without adding fresh water, your salinity will steadily increase. There are ways to have your system top-off automatically, though. Without an auto top-off, I wouldn't start a saltwater tank if I was in your situation.

Leaving for a 3 day weekend and not topping off isn't anything to sweat, but not topping off 5/7 days isn't going to cut it.

Live rock is best added up front. The reason is that you will have die off when you add it to the tank--this die off will typically cause production of toxic ammonia and nitrite (commonly called "cycling") until sufficient bacteria build up to consume it all. While you're waiting 1-5 weeks for this to occur, your tank inhabitants are being poisoned.

With a low fish load, feeding isn't a problem. 2-3 times a week is fine and not uncommon. Many photosynthetic corals require zero day-to-day care.

"Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." -Dennis