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Old 01/01/2005, 09:12 PM
Donsoceanview Donsoceanview is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Fort Madison, Iowa
Posts: 15
Perculas in Nano, Foxface in 75 NEED HELP

Last night I set up a 12gal Nano Cube with 12lbs of coraline crusted L/R, 5lbs live sand from my 75 gal reef , several mushrooms 1 stalk of pulsating xinia, 1 small toadstool leather, 5 hermits (blue leg) 2 percula's and a yellow watchman goby.
Water was from my old 12 gal tank.
This morning 1 Percula was pale and had ick spots in numerous places and was swimming spuradically, the other had a few spots. as the day went on the spots mostly disappeared however the spuradic swimming continued.

I acclimated them for nearly 2 hours?

I'd hate to lose them. They're tank raised and looked great at the LFS. Ate good and still are eating okay, could it just be stress?

In my 75 I added 4 corals and some mushrooms and 1 rose anemone for my Maroon clown. Also a Bi-color anthias a royal gramma, a Foxface Rabbitfish 15 hermits an emerald crab and a serpentine star.

Everything in the tank is doing great except the Foxface he's lethargic, won't eat and breathing heavy.
I had my water tested at the LFS and every thing looked good.
I tried a yellow Tang last year and he died and I understand rabbitfish are kin to tangs. I don't know why I have a problem with those types of fish???
I got him to help with my hair algae problem, plus I put culerpa in the tank as well to help. So far the crabs are doing a great job. But I still do not want to see the Fox die.