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Old 11/23/2004, 09:02 PM
tomterreefic tomterreefic is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Prosperity, SC
Posts: 490
Originally posted by firefish2020
We keep 3 tanks of LR each under PCs and it is live. IMO it's a lot better to use store bought if you can afford it at times its impractical as it is $8 Lb or so. However you can pick it by hand, dont have to wory about shipments being late, and dont have to guess if its going to be cured or not. My advice, shop around IM sure there are others out there that keep good quality LR.
I search every LFS in my little town. Usually only one has good looking rock ( always the same one) and usually it's Fiji. But, if one of the other stores 'accidentally' gets a good shipment, I'm picking through it. Also, the stores sometimes get rocks from a reefer's tank, like me, if they are constantly culling the rocks in search of the 'perfect aquascape'. All the stores in town know me and don't mind me digging around in their tanks. It's worth the extra dollars to me, to know what I'm buying.
Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot.