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Old 05/23/2004, 03:52 AM
M.Dandaneau M.Dandaneau is offline
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Location: 1477 S. Prescott Ave., Clearwater, Florida. Phone: (727) 443-6459
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Beautiful photos (of course **grin**) my estimation these fish are among the most under appreciated by many hobbyists, as well as one of the hardiest, perfect for the small tank grouper enthusiast.

It's still under debate in certain circles as to whether they are seperate species or just many color morphs of one or two species.

My own personal opinion is that some taxonomists have split way too many hairs trying to earn reputations, as evidenced, for examply, by Lake Tanganyika cichlids, the poor man's saltwater fish.........I've personally bred 4th generation hybrids between GENUSES that were fertile and fecund, which should be biologically impossible, but obviously isn't.
