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Old 01/14/2004, 12:33 AM
jnc914 jnc914 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Deer Lake, Pa
Posts: 550
I have my yellow watchman for almost 2 years now. I got him fairly small and he would commonly disappear in his den for weeks on end. I was apprehensive because I didn't know if he was eating or not. After not seeing him for almost a month I pulled out some rock and found him. Miraculously he was alot bigger, meaning he had been finding food all those weeks. don't worry about your gobie, they will find food in the sand when they want it, no matter what your cleanup crew eliminates. If you want to boost his appetite and immune system, dose food with finely chopped garlic or use Kent Garlic Extreme( this can also be added directly to the tank water to help stimulate appetite). Good luck.

"Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion."

Jack Kerouac