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Old 09/16/2003, 11:36 PM
oama oama is offline
Vegetative Protoplasm
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Florida
Posts: 2,526
As to the better test kit for copper...
I would recomend the Hach Hand Hend Spec, using CuVer2 (for salt water). You need to take a 25 ml sample then decant 10ml into the sample vial for testing. The down side of this test is $$$$. It costs about $300. But the up side is that it will give you a digital read out of the Cu++ present in 0.01ppm increments. (No More Guessing if it's this shade of blue or this one)
I have used the following formula to calculate how much copper to add each time:
ml of Cu++ soln to add = (0.1-(0.4*A))*V for 0.25 ppm.
and ml = (0.2-(0.4*A))*V for 0.5 ppm.
Where A=actual reading present and
V= volume of the system in gallons.
I have in the past used this test kit with SeaChem Cupramine (dosages up to 0.5ppm) but it should work with any copper soln at these concentrations. Anyone else have any input on this? (beware: Cupramine is this only Cu soln I am aware of that treats at 0.5ppm, most others are at 0.25ppm). SeaChem suggest ramping up the conc. of their soln at 0.25 ppm for 2 days then 0.5 after that.
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