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Old 06/12/2000, 03:29 PM
golfsuper golfsuper is offline
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Join Date: May 2000
Location: Boise, ID USA
Posts: 173
Steve and Minh,

Thanks again for your replies. Steve, to answer your questions, I am adding kalk at 1 gal./day (1/2 tsp per gal.) dripped in during the night. The ReefBuilder is dripped during the day, which together constitutes the bulk of my make-up water in a 24hr period. Interestingly, my pH has remained fairly high, averaging 8.4 to as high as 8.6 for brief periods (during kalk dosing in particular).

To Minh and Steve (and others), I have a crude understanding of the pH and alk process through my agronomic background, but what puzzles me is what is holding these two (or possibly 3) parameters back? I feel as though I should be approaching this from an analytical standpoint, much like finding the source of Phosphates when trying to solve a hair algae problem. So what "culprit" might I be looking for? Is it simply part of the cycling process, only months from the initial cycle? Do I run the risk of throwing things way off kilter by chasing these two issues at the same time or am I making a mountain out of a mole hill? Someone tell me to shut up now. Sorry.
