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Old 01/11/2008, 01:04 PM
bored4long bored4long is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Rocklin, CA
Posts: 780
mushrooms splitting?

I have 3 fuzzy mushrooms in my 12g nano (yes, I'm a total newb). Two of them were quite large (4-6" diameter). Last weekend one started looking really bad with its mouth gaping wide open. Then on Monday it was all pinched in towards the center. I thought for sure it was dying. Tuesday I noticed that one side where it pinched in towards the middle had completely split apart and now it appears the entire mushroom as split into two. The next day it appeared the second large one also has split. Seems way to coincidental that 2 of my 3 would split within a day of each other.

Is this a good sign or bad sign? I've read that some corals split as a defense mechanism, so I was concerned that maybe they are unhappy or unhealthy.

- Mark
Reagan Eileen's Daddy (11/10/07 @ 3:27am; 6lbs 3 oz; 18 inches)

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