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Old 01/11/2008, 09:49 AM
packisbak1 packisbak1 is offline
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Thanks for all of your thoughtful and informative responses. I had the LFS test my water two days ago and they said it looked "new". They used dip sticks which I have been told are unreliable yet assured me that my ammonia and nitrites were zero and that I could start adding a few snails/hermits. I ordered my test kits online and they should be arriving any day. Once I can start testing the water myself, I will hopefully have a better idea as to where I am in the cycle.

Algae is definitely starting to grow including these brown things on the glass and sand that seem to have little leaves/tenticles. It looks like some form of algae and not aptasias (I have one of those as well). I will try to take a picture and post it over the weekend for ID.

I think I am going to start by adding some Cerith snails to hopefully get working on the algae and then go from there.