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Old 01/10/2008, 08:52 AM
Satori Satori is offline
Cancer Sucks
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Sierra Vista, AZ
Posts: 2,955
French speakers?

I used to work in Europe with reps from 43 nations. One of the people who still keeps in touch with me is a French Air Force Major, but despite the capability of speaking fluent English, he always sends me emails in French. Usually, babelfish translates well enough that I can answer him, but this one, I don't know about. I don't know what he's asking and babelfish doesn't really clear it up. I don't know if he's confirming my address or asking me to join some networking thing. Any help?

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Merci et bonne année"

"There either is or there isn't life out there. Both possibilites are frightening."
(someone help me out - who said this?)