Thread: Turkey Baster
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Old 01/09/2008, 02:22 PM
dileggi dileggi is offline
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Originally posted by vito is hooked
Thanks CAP, I will keep an eye on my NITRATES along with my AMMONIA. NO change yet, ammonia 0 nitrates 20, but looking a little bit lighter. Going to order another Korilias, put in 2 small power heads for now.
Someone else may have a better or even tell if it's needed. I always keep a bottle of Amquel handy in case of any spikes from doing this. Obviously, I think the Amquel only neutralizes the toxins to make them non-toxic, but I always use it just in case. Although, I was told that it shouldn't affect any readings because even though you're stirring it up into the water column, the detrius on the rock is already in the water column and won't affect the nitrogen cycle. I was told the only "stirring" that would affect the nitrogen cycle was disturbing the sand bed.

Can anyone verify this?

----as to current 20-40 times your tank volume---I would suggest using Korilias because they are turbulent flow so you get more of a broad fanning out of the blast rather then a straight narrow blast from power heads
In addition to my power head from my sump, I've added 1 Koralia1.

I believe that with the Koralia1 and my power head from my sump, my total flow is 716. I know alot depends on what you're adding, but do you think more flow is needed?
2 green chromis
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5 turbos
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30 lb ls / 27lb lr