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Old 01/09/2008, 10:34 AM
KurtsReef KurtsReef is offline
Wish coral grew faster
Join Date: May 2007
Location: North Boston, NY
Posts: 1,311
Re: 180 gallon tank build

Originally posted by magdelan
[B]Finally, after many, many months of waiting, I am going to start preparing for my 180. Now I understand why experienced reefers with large systems tell others to be patient. It takes patients to finally get to the point of starting a large reef!!!
Then, at least for me you get to a point and start rethinking some of the design. Already thinking of redoing the basement setup
Originally posted by magdelan
After I get the tank and stand set up, I will plumb the tank into the basement. The tank is a standard 72x24x24 with two corner overflows. This will drain into a 120 (48x24x24). One drain will dirrectly feed an ASM G4 skimmer and the other will go through a filter bag holding Po4 remover and Carbon. The skimmer will return through a set of baffels at mid-tank into a refugium. From the refugium section, the water will be pumped into a 25 gallon RDSB. From there, it will overflow into an empty 25 gallon tub and will then be pumped back up to the main display via a MAG 24.
Using overflow to run things is a great idea and energy saver, one of the things I need to change my basement setup to incorporate...less powerheads/pumps.
Originally posted by magdelan
Is it necessary to light the refugium with full spectrum light?? I will have 24inch Orbit lamp with two 65w PCs and I will also have a 36 inch fresh water light. Which one should I go with??
My actual refugium currently has a 96w actenic light...because I had it already, the other portion of refugium/sump has 12k MH 400w on it. The 400 is too much but I want to be able to use it for coral depends on what the use is. If your just wanting to grow macro algae then something in the whiter spectrum I think helps it grow more.
Originally posted by magdelan

Connected to the empty tub will be a 30g mixing tank. The empty tub will have a release valve that can drain into my basement's floor sump.

Please let me know where I can improve. I am also not certain that the order my setup will be the most effecient. I still have a lot to take care of, but this is a start.
SHelinski has changed his set up a bit by building a stand about a foot or 18" high and has his sump sitting on it. That gives him less head to worry about and he said the difference in return flow was huge with this change. It also gets rid of the huge heat sink in the winter time of the basement floor...another thing I plan on incorporating when I make some changes to the cellar set up this summer.