Thread: Dead Fish
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Old 01/08/2008, 09:06 PM
phishcrazee phishcrazee is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Riverside, IA
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How did you acclimate the fish? Do you have a skimmer? If you do, be sure to run it wet for awhile......

I would wait awhile until you think about adding more fish-wait until your tank becomes more stable and predictable. I think that's the number one error or newbies is going way too fast. Patience is really key in this hobby.

For a tank of your size, stick with fish that aren't going to get bigger than about 4", so clowns, anthias, jawfish, dwarf angels, yellow-tailed damsels etc. A tang of any sort is just really sad in that size tank. These fish used to live in the ocean where they had lots of room and then you stick it in a little glass box.... 75g is the minimum for most tangs.